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By: Russ Quinn
Jason Schielke, an IT specialist for Frahm Farmland in Colby, Kansas, is a patient person. It’s a good thing he is: Wireless data transfers from the field can take time where Internet connectivity is weak.
“We have spotty coverage here through the cellular service which John Deere uses,” Schielke told DTN. “We probably have to download 10%-20% of data manually.”
It’s certainly not breaking news that rural areas often have slower Internet speeds compared to urban areas. Internet and cellphone providers want to cover as many people as they can, so they focus on providing service to more populated regions.
Weak Internet connectivity in rural areas may be to blame for keeping some farmers and ag businesses from fully incorporating newer technologies into their businesses. Experts say there may not be much people in rural areas can do about weak Internet in the short term.
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