Linear Irrigation Systems

Proven performance for over 60 years.

Precise Water Management Custom Designed for Your Application

T-L Linear Irrigation Systems use up to 60% less water than flood irrigation and cover almost 98% of a rectangular field. Critical to higher value crops, T-L's continuous movement performance delivers the most precise water pattern available, most important when chemigating. T-L's simplicity allows one person to effectively manage many systems. With linear irrigation systems, the majority of the water is not needed at the outer end of the system reducing friction loss. Each sprinkler system distributes an equal amount of water regardless of its position on the system, making it ideal for low-pressure applications.

T-L Linear irrigation systems share the same hydrostatic design features as our pivots and can operate from a furrow, above-ground cable or buried wire. Linear Pivots can also be guided using GPS Navigation for precise movement. Water can be supplied from ditch, or hose-drag sources. You can make your choice, hard or soft hose in sections up to 660′ and a variety of diameters to fit your application.

T-L's one-span linear irrigation system can irrigate complex combinations of smaller and irregular systems. Preferred for specialty crops, experimental stations, and hybrid seed operations, they can irrigate variable widths and can accommodate water supplied by 4" to 8" diameter drag hoses.

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1. Guidance System

T-L linear systems can be guided with GPS, a furrow, above ground cable, or a buried wire depending on the specific requirements.

2. Water Options

Water can be drawn from a ditch or by “hose-drag” up to 660' in length.

3. Save Water

T-L linear irrigation systems consistently use nearly 50% less water than flood irrigation methods while allowing almost total coverage of the field.

ULTRA Linear Tractor

T-L’s “ULTRA Linear Tractor” allows you to irrigate adjacent parallel fields with one system. The spans pivot around a stationary 4-wheel tractor using a furrow, cable, concrete ditch or buried wire for guidance. The tractor can rotate allowing the system to operate in a variety of orientations.

  • Maximize irrigated acres using one machine.
  • Irrigate L-shaped fields.
  • Reduce labor costs up to 90% compared to traditional irrigation methods such as gated pipe.
  • Only system in the industry to utilize real-time speed feedback for accurate speed control.
  • Speed Sensors in the hydraulic motors at each end tower.
  • Versatile tractor platform can be adapted to several water feed and guidance options.

GPS Navigation

T-L's GPS Navigation Linear System is the ultimate in design simplicity.

Featuring Real Time Kinematic (RTK) sub-inch accuracy, the package includes the base station, eliminating the need for a subscription. The system tracks multiple constellations reducing the signal loss caused by tree lines and other obstacles, and there is no electronic interference from power lines.

The GPS Linear system can store up to four (4) different paths for T-L Towable Ultra Linear Systems or T-L Pivoting Linears. It can also store up to nine (9) intermediate waypoints if needed.

Operators get fast start up time (less than one minute), and real-time diagnostics so they can monitor the system's performance. Safety is assured through low voltage DC (24VDC), and there is no buried wire, above ground cable or furrows with their associated installation and maintenance costs.

Linear Pivot Testimonials

Ronnie Leimgruber
Imperial Valley, California
Sam Walker
Escambia County, Florida
Anthony Russo
Tabernacle, New Jersey
Larry Venell
Corvallis, Oregon
Bert Weststeyn
Willows, California
The Mannings
Pantego, North Carolina