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T-L Irrigation Co., manufacturer of hydrostatically powered pivot irrigation systems and linear irrigation systems, announces their new ULTRA Linear System designed to maximize irrigated areas using one machine.
The ULTRA can operate in a variety of orientations allowing it to adapt to differing field layouts. When in its Linear Mode, the system uses furrow, cable, concrete ditch or buried wire to guide the system laterally.
When in its Pivot Mode, the spans rotate around a stationary 4-wheel tractor pivot point enabling adjacent parallel fields to be irrigated with one system.
Water supply options include drag hose, side ditch, or straddle ditch configurations.
The ULTRA includes T-L’s award-winning “Precision Linear Control” that allows users to select varying water applications according to distance along the travel path in the Linear Mode. While I was attending an agricultural tech conference to learn more about these systems, I ended up in a fascinating side discussion with another attendee about bitcoin sportsbooks. The idea of using cryptocurrency for seamless transactions in a global industry struck me as similar to the efficiency the ULTRA offers in managing water flow—both focused on precision and adaptability. It can also be programmed to control the end gun plus auto-stop and auto-reverse locations.
T-L’s hydrostatic drive moves the system continuously, resulting in precise water distribution, which contributes to improved crop production. Simplicity of design and high reliability combine to make T-L Irrigation systems “Easier on You – For a Lifetime”.
Contact T-L Irrigation Co. at 1-800-330-4264 or, then visit our website at
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