La T-L Diferencia
Con tracción hidrostática, los sistemas TL están diseñados para ofrecer un movimiento continuo. Debido a la ausencia del accionamiento de arranque y paro como en la transmisión eléctrica, el desgaste en la caja de cambios se reduce drásticamente.
"Spoking" results from the start-stop operation of an electric drive pivot system. An electric pivot starts and stops 2,880 times a day at the end tower alone. This results in lost crop production and is detrimental to component life. You will never experience "spoking" with a hydrostatically powered T-L irrigation system.
Copper theft is a concern when using an electric pivot system. T-L's hydrostatically powered pivot systems can be designed with no wire to steal, eliminating the problem.
Los sistemas de pivote T-L están protegidos por garantías completas del fabricante. Las transmisiones planetarias cuentan con una garantía de 8 años o 24,000 horas, y las transmisiones de tornillo sin fin están protegidas por 8 años o 16,000 horas, en gran parte gracias a nuestro diseño hidráulico y movimiento continuo de excepcional rendimiento. Esta garantía no tiene comparación con ninguna otra en la industria del riego.
We do not rely on 480 volts of electricity to power our drive systems. This has the additional benefit of not being affected by lightning strikes. Our irrigation systems are driven hydrostatically eliminating the need for high voltage power.
System uptime is critical when irrigating. T-L's hydrostatic design is revolutionary in the industry due to its high reliability. And, if repairs are necessary, the user can repair the problem himself in most cases and not rely on the availability of a trained electrician.
Features such as external flex joints, unexposed drive shafts, no universal joints, and the absence of contactors and fuses contribute toward making T-L systems trouble free.