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Explore our blog featuring articles about farming and irrigation tips and tricks!
By: Lisa Foust Prater
To win, a football team needs innovative leadership, a productive offense, committed defense, and reliable special teams. The same goes for your farm. As iconic Kansas City Chiefs coach Hank Stram was famous for saying, the job of the offense is to “matriculate the ball down the field” until they score.
Your team’s offense moves the business forward, with the goal of scoring a profit. The services these professionals provide directly impact the bottom line and are easy to quantify: banker, marketing expert, agronomist, nutritionist, seed and chemical reps, artificial insemination (AI)technician, production employees, and others. The defense’s job is to protect their end zone. Your farm team’s defensive line protects your operation, but don’t be fooled into thinking they are less critical than the offense. Legendary Alabama coach Bear Bryant said it best: “Defense wins championships.”
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