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By: Industry Voice by Dow Enlist
Don’t let weeds rob your crop of valuable nutrients and yield potential. Ryan Miller, Ph.D., market development and new technology specialist, reminds farmers to remain proactive to control tough weeds. You can implement a successful weed control program with a few key steps.
Here are Miller’s six suggestions for developing an effective weed control strategy:
Know the field history. It’s important to know what weeds have been in the field, especially during the previous year, when implementing a weed control program. If a field harbors resistant marestail, Palmer amaranth or any other tough weed, make sure to use herbicides that are effective against those species.
Start with a clean seedbed. Aim for a weed-free field at planting. Consider a burndown program that targets key weeds. Glyphosate and 2,4-D often are effective burndown options.
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